When I arrive at SCHRC what can I expect?
When you arrive at SCHRC you will be welcomed by a staff member or volunteer, and asked if this your first visit to SCHRC. If so, you will then be asked to sign-in for the day and given a form to fill out. You may go into the library to complete the registration form. This form is filled out once each year by every staff member and researcher. It keeps our records up-to-date. A staff member will verify your registration form and check a photo ID. And you will be assigned a research assistant.
Why must I sign in each day before researching?
SCHRC uses the register to keep track of a number of things: Who’s in the building right now. How do I find someone to share new information? How many people use the center each year and where they come from? Also, the register is one small security measure.
Why must I show a photo ID to research?
Again, the photo ID is one small security measure. This collection is privately owned and the staff is responsible for its safe keeping.
Do I do the research or will someone help me?
SCHRC research assistants will guide you through your research. They do not do the research. You do the research. But, assistants will help you by suggesting a variety of items to use, new avenues of research and new connections to your problems. They will give a short tour of the facility if this is your first visit to the Research Center.
What should I bring to SCHRC?
In order to do great research you will need to know family names and have some basic dates. Bring enough information to fully identify people. If you’re doing land or property research, bring along a legal description. You can find it on your tax bill.
May I check out items and take them home to use?
No, items available for research at SCHRC are non-circulating. They may not be removed from the building. You may make copies of most items at a cost.
Where does SCHRC’s material come from?
SCHRC’s collection was started by members of the Sheboygan County Genealogy Society, Sheboygan County Landmarks Ltd. and the Sheboygan County Historical Society in 1983. Members of these groups thought a central location was needed for records, and their personal collections were the nucleus of the archive. In the years since 1983, thousands of people and companies have donated items and collections to SCHRC for use by the general public. Each researcher is encouraged to donate items to more fully expand information on their own families. People move, and after cleaning their homes, donate relevant materials. Businesses close or are sold and items come here. Other historical societies send collections of appropriate materials. Material comes to SCHRC in many ways.
Why don’t you have any information on my family?
There may be gaps because collections are comprised of donated material. If your topic or family is not represented at the Research Center, we encourage you to begin collecting information and then send SCHRC your information, so you will be represented. Also, check back regularly. SCHRC acquires new material on a daily basis. Many researchers come back year after year and always find something new.
May I bring it my own scanner to SCHRC?
We do not permit the use of scanners, cameras or privately owned copiers in the Research Center. Copying is a source of revenue for the SCHRC. You need to use our copiers. If you need quality copies of photos, you may buy computer scans or darkroom images for a cost. See the services section of this website for prices.
May I bring my laptop to SCHRC?
You may bring your laptop as long as it operates on battery mode. SCHRC is not equipped at this time with appropriate electrical connections. Cords represent a walking hazard.
Where do I park? Signs say a permit is needed.
You may park on Adams Street to the south of the Research Center. You may also park in the parking lot behind the Research Center. You may also park in any of the parking spaces across the street, even those with parking restriction signs.