Programs at the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center include Saloon Stories, Taproom History, History on the Move, Genealogy Classes and Second Saturdays among other things.
Genealogy Classes
Genealogy classes are held the second Monday of each month from September through May of each year. Topics vary each month. There is a charge for classes- $15 for SCHRC members and $20 for non-members.
Second Saturdays
Second Saturdays is a speakers series which brings knowledgeable and entertaining speakers, experts in their own right, to enlighten us with topics that stretch our minds and broaden our perspectives. Presentations are held the second Saturday on the month from September through May at the Plymouth Arts Center, 520 East Mill Street, Plymouth, WI.
History on the Move
History on the Move programs are open to the public. No reservations necessary. Conversation is encouraged. Fun is expected! For more details, please contact the library directly.
Special Events
Each year the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center sponsors a number of special events all designed to share local history in some way with the community. These events are in addition to our regular series.
For those of you traveling a distance, it’s important to know our schedule.
In the event of a WINTER STORM WARNING we will be closed.
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